Agla Hagla
Publisher: Alfabetprodukt

The artist / researcher book consists of a series of collages referring to the Runic archive. It also contains an essay by Dr. Karoline Kjesrud: ‘Du er sterk i evighet (Herre)’ Runer – fra skrifttegn til magi’.

Kjesrud`s essay is the first published text in Norwegian discussing the history of runes in the North and how the system moves between spiritual, occult, and fringe use and a subject of scientific study of language of the Nordic countries. With a basis in the runic alphabet, the futhark, the project raises questions on the subjective use of the runes, and the language as a rhetoric cultivator or symbolic beholder. Agla Hagla questions the Nordic as an isolated and deserted enclave, and the myths that is constantly surrounding our collective history, what is included in the archive, and what is not. The interdisciplinary artistic research project project Agla Hagla examined the National Rune Archive, in close collaboration with Dr. Karoline Kjesrud and Dr. Prof. James Knirk. The project was granted support by Art Council Norways initiative -Hva er det med arkiv? (What is it about Archives?).

The book was released on my former publishing house Alfabetprodukt (Petrine Vinje), 2014
Design: Eller med a
Printing: TS-Trykk
Pages: 40
Format: 130 x 240 mm
Edition: 400 copies
Funded by: Art Council Norway