ASS2023 ARCHIVE (White Onyx, Aztec Gold, Gray Onyx, Smoke Drift Prima, Sagebush, Juniper) (White Onyx, Aztec Gold, Grey Onyx, Smoke Drift Prima, Sagebush, Juniper)
07.09–13.10.2024, Statens kunstutstilling, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo /
the Artistic Research Project Surfacing Solids, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (2019-2024)

The relief comment how we collect art and objects in archives to understand ourselves and the universe from a historical perspective, while also addressing material overproduction and digital memories.

The relief is made from synthetic composite sourced from an industrial storage of leftover materials. The composite, known as Solid Surface, consists of minerals and plastics —making it non-biodegradable and part of massive landfills around the world. Its title refers to how objects in museum collections are named and coded according to where and when they were found, how they were acquired, and the materials they are made of.

The work was part of my artistic research project Surfacing Solids and was most recently exhibited at the Autumn Exhibition (Høstutstillingen) in 2024. It was acquired by Asker Municipality's art collection.

Photo: Vegard Kleven, Norske Billedkunstnere, Høstutstillingen