Backdrop for absolute sovereignty
24.11.2011–21.01.2012 SOFT galleri, Oslo

The installation Kulisse for absolutt suverenitet (Backdrop for absolute sovereignty) is an abstracted reproduction of the drapery in Gian Lorenzo Bernini`s baroque, sculptural portrait of Constantin the Great in St. Peters Basilica, Rome.

The sculpture  was juxtaposed to a photograph titled ...Hell, a photograph of a 80`s denim-jacket. The exhibition examines the symbolic meaning and expressions of textiles across time, and explores how one through form and plasticity can mimic textile qualities.

The exhibition at SOFT attempted to deconstruct what Rosalind Krauss calls the “monumental in our collective memory”, in her infamous essay Sculpture in the Expanded Field (1979) and further explored what Krauss calls “a particular place for a specific meaning/event, functioning in relation to the logic of representation and marking, mediating between actual site and representational sign”.

Photos: Øystein Thorvaldsen (SOFT)